How to Anticipate Local Competitions in China


SAVIO: What appellate that's what they stand for? I don't care who you are you anticipate.

STEVE: Anticipate. Okay. Okay

SAVIO: Local competition.

STEVE: All right. Okay. That's a good one. Let's talk about that one.  

SAVIO: Right. Right. They have 3,000 stores already in China which is picking a lot of money and there very successful. In terms of sales distributions the brand blah blah blah, right,

STEVE: Right. Yes.

SAVIO: We all know that Chinese people fast learner. They can copy your idea and make it better. So I don't know, you know, but Is a reading a good local brand? Some of them with me. A copycat is called. 

K coffee right time. They have almost 2,000 store in China. Banks like openstack Morgan Stanley. It will help them to you through this us IPO. Anat unicorns. Are they going? I feel yep. yasso coffee chain And I tell you that tell you that no. Hay I'll mandate you. Starbucks in China.The wildest we would have passed stop really already. It already. One type of IPO valuation. 3 billion US dollars. Online so they actually study for online. Do you think the online bottle the mobile bar go to? get the F out the coffee chain, so popular so so now but now.If you ask me to BJ, I think that you're going to be in a few years time. Really protecting past you know what in Starbucks even though they're know in terms of the gambino on Sunday, do not underestimate the local guide to say I really local weather

STEVESet a good example of the DD versus that Uber right and I am now DD Sort of bought out Uber in China over still exist in China, but it's technically it was a swap between a share hold on DD front Uber side. But really you going to take it over at least 20% or something like that. I can't remember exactly.

SAVIO: Just pay attention to locking coffee and anything that coffee. I think that You know in race of your time this company is going to Gift Stop a some strong.

STEVEOkay? Okay. Okay. Well, I'll definitely keep an eye on that. But I do want to bring back another point actually, you know, well, so well is that your friend had a conversation last night and he was talking about China.

He was asking me this question that I pointed out something which I never thought about it. So he was asking me and I'm like, you know about China is a lot of nitrous American companies like Starbucks or the conglomerate Fortune 500 companies, but a lot of small European companies wants to get into the China game. Like I don't see that in the states. I don't see them try to open up a coffee shop in the states in any of these stuff it with me even the way they do things in China is different. So for example hug and Ice have actual stores in Shanghai and Beijing and the Tier 1 cities, you know, you can walk into and marketing themselves. as the couple's place to go to the dating place to have given me the

SAVIO: What is a good example of how a US brand localized in a way that makes sense, right? And buy a home. But they but they want to do that. I was tied to let you know that hey, you know,

STEVERight so that's kind of because if you mean that there is no, I mean I've never been into a single hug and I store in the U.S. Is all in a supermarket right now.

Yeah Yeah Yeahs since you brought up TP pizza hut is okay. So first of all, honestly I really dislike Pizza Hut in China because I mean equality is worth even though they do charge more money because it's fine dining in China as a Canadian as American we had better pieces like the future

SAVIO: Are you spoiled Steve.

STEVEWhile I'm not I mean honestly there the quality of US pizza in China.

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