Why Ximalaya is the Biggest Missed Opportunity in China


STEVE: Yeah, I know. This is actually extremely interesting. I mean, I haven't really delved into the platform so much and it is honestly it's a platform that nobody really talks about even, even you know, what is all of the people talking about marketing and stuff? Like I'm in the marketing were for China and nobody ever talks about Ximalaya like we talked about Kuaishou and Douyin which is popular I get it and it's video but like I feel like this is why I want you to be on this podcast. I feel like just like a missed opportunity, especially on the voice out of things right and very few people talk about that. Maybe in China they talked about a lot more but you know, it's really, it's a small in. I just feel that people are missing sort of this opportunity 

FEI: I think the reason Steve is because you know what we see in North America when it comes to content creation and let's just call it call them independent creators 

STEVE: group

FEI: There are still somewhat lacking in China, especially when it comes to having a unique one of you this is my opinion. This is my reflection while reading the book where you know, I feel like that is so somewhat limited especially given the number of population in China and so they're so we are moms friends and I have friends in China who have their WeChat platforms who are writing about education very successful, but they are you know, They're not the majority. They're definitely the minority and they tell me the trends that they have witnessed ahead of time, which is, they noticed that people in China tend to share reshare comments, like and people do not have to create original content and  

STEVE: Well, I'm not 100% sure because China has like the biggest. A group of influential in the world you may be right so because it is a very very noisy really haven't delved into data. but I mean the thing that I see it is the reason I don't personally I don't particularly like going even I use it and I used it for like an hour just to see how it feels like and it's addictive right but I mean the app is built to be addictive is like it's like constant shots of dopamine because you just swiping from video to video to video to video and that's like I don't know how healthy that is for your mind because you're like just in constant. It's like channel surfing. Imagine if you're like having a remote and just constantly flipping the channel 24/7 try to figure out what you want to watch. That's like a real killer where I think it would Ximalaya like you really have to listen to the episode right? It's like you can really surf through it. What do you know? It's not like video where you can just sort of understand what this is about in like a few second as hell. Do I want to watch or not? You really had to have to listen to a bit to figure out whether you want to soar listen to the rest of the episode.

FEI: ​Yeah, I think you brought a really good point. I'm going to speak to that briefly which is Yes on one hand a lot of influencers in China and also yes in North America as well a lot of young good-looking people like very young for talking about their starting now 12 13 years old and the majority of them, but I have seen are you know late teens and early twenties, but it's one thing to create content to be one funny, silly or four clicks and for downloads, you know, the I remember the first commercial that I saw and I think they even use this short video as the kind of a promo video when you download   Douyin which is in English is Tik Tok that is literally a girl pretending she's running through a window. The window is also clear and see if it was she was running through it and it kind of back-and-forth what's one type of consecration but when it comes to do you know writing books and having long form content point of view? I feel like sometimes that's that's a little more difficult to discover and then you know, that's why I think Ximalaya has a really great place for people to start their own podcast and be able to talk about, you know through their observations of what's going on in China or what?

STEVE: Yeah, you know I think I agree with you. I don’t think it is not just China. I think the world is moving towards that I think a lot of content are created for entertainment purposes which is fun I get it. And a lot of people surf and surf in terms of recreation spend because of Youtube.

Where not that kind of China's like on the old, new different level because just do just so much stuff going on all the time, but you know people are not like before they're not sitting. They're not going to pick up a book and read it and it's also hard. But yeah, I think it is. It is lacking in terms of having real good writers. It is like in terms of having real publish, you know people that are creatives in terms that so I get your point in terms of that

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