One Step Closer To WeChat SEO – WeChat Official Accounts Contents Now Can be Linked To Each Other

With the release of IOS11 on June 6, 2017, WeChat also announced that they are taking one more step in building their ecosystem. Now if you have multiple WeChat official accounts, you can link contents to each other.

Editing block now offers a new button to add links

Keep in mind that you’re only allowed to link to another piece of content that is within the WeChat ecosystem(amongst different official accounts), you cannot link to any source, article, or content that you found randomly on the web.

If there is no specific content come to your mind, search a relevant content is also a supported way to find the right piece. You can limit the search to your past articles, or from a certain official account, or the entire WeChat content world.

This minor update gives digital marketers a sign that the age of WeChat SEO is forthcoming since link profile is always one of an essential element in organic search ranking.

As 600m people in mainland China are actively using WeChat every day, the involvement of various media makes WeChat owns the most and best of the Chinese content upon entire Chinese internet. With this tremendous support, WeChat is showing its ambition in taking over the cyber world in China.

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